
Friday, 30 August 2019

The Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench

This week in literacy we learned about the Mariana Trench and the deepest parts of the ocean, we started off by reading this text on Monday and then we did so must-dos and activities. On this slide, you will see the activities and facts that I wrote and learned about.

My next step is to learn more about the ocean and all the creatures that live in it. I got this information from our site. I would like to know what things you think I should have added to my slide. Thanks Bye.


  1. Hi Nanlane I really liked when you were writing about what you need to get to the bottom of the ocean. Next time can you make the font a little better.
    Do you know what you need to get to the bottom of the Mariana Trench? Can you use a sumerian?

  2. Talofa Lava nalanee
    I really like your post about the Mariana trench. A cool part is your colour scheme for the post it looks very interesting. Your post reminds me of when i learned about the Mariana Trench.


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