
Friday 20 September 2019

Orana Park

Orana Park

Yesterday we went to go see animals at Orana Park. It was really fun to see all the animals but my personal favorite was the gorillas and lions. The gorillas were my favorite because they were really funny and they were having a snooze.
Don't disturb me!


Num num num.
Animation of the things we learned:

The animals were fun and our educator was really helpful and taught us a lot of things. A few of the other animals that I liked that I haven't put on here is the Tasmanian Devil, Tiger, Spider Monkeys and Springbok. 


  1. hi i didn't go on the trip but i went out of school and did you get to feed the giraffe

  2. Hello Nalanee I love this because you have put words that you think the animals are saying. You brought me back to when me and my mum went last year. next time you could put more writing on it okay bye oh what here is a question. did you have fun feeding the giraffe

  3. Hey there Nalanee,i really like the part when we fed the giraffes. What was your favourite part in the whole of Orana Park?

  4. L am olivia m for room blue and l like you have cool stuff in your blog and you have orana park it cool and wow you have do will keep up with good work and l like how you have help to make one have a goodbye

  5. Hi Nalanee! i'm Soheilla! I like the way that you put words that the animals might be funny, I was laughing a little bit at them! did you think about adding more words what the animals are saying pleasee! it was so funny!!! but really! why did you put the words there! just to funny! -Soheilla.

  6. that was so fun that day did you have fun but can you do more writing this
    time about the gorillas than do more staff please thank you bye bye

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. he Nalanee i like how you added evey thing you need like what you favourite animal and so on

  9. Kia Ora Nalanee!
    I like the captions of your photos! They bring out your own unique touch to them! I remember when we went on this trip, I liked a lot of the animals. Maybe for your next blog post you can add more writing about when we went.
    From Mikayla.

  10. Kia ora Nalanee.
    I like the captions because it shows what the animals are probably thinking. One of my favourites were the gorillas too because they were funny. You could put some more writing next time

  11. Kia ora Nalanee I like you blog post about Orana Park I like all the images you have added it looks really cool with all the animals. Maybe next time add a bit more info about the animals.Bye!

  12. kia ora Nalanee
    I enjoyed the part when you said Don't disturb me!! when i first read that I laugh in my head.
    You brought me back to when we went there but we did not feed the giraffes.
    How come you put this on your blog?

  13. hi my name is dominick and i wish i was there but i wasn't there but looks like a lot of learning and play yay had a good.

  14. Kia Ora Nalanee, Acasia here
    I Really like how you have added the little speech underneath each picture I think it makes it more interesting for your viewers. I remember when we went on this trip and I really enjoyed it. Maybe next time you could add in more information about what happened or like what you learnt? But overall I think this is an amazing blog post and has a very nice lay out!

  15. Hey Nelanee,it is Cayleigh
    I like how you put a lot of information and you add a lot of work on there.
    Next time you can put some questions that you can answer.
    I like that you put it on your blog.

  16. hi i like your work

  17. Kia ora Nalanee,
    Great job on this blog post! You have done a great job :3 I hope you had fun. Next time you can put a comma in between the words "animals" and "but", What was your favourite part of the trip? That's all from me Bye!

  18. Kia Ora Nalanee,
    You made a grammar mistake. 👀👀. But great job on a quality blog post! Next time you could fix that grammar mistake. Goodbye.


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